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Personique On the Spot11011 Domain Drive, Bldg. Z,
Suite 104B / Austin, TX 78758 Mon-Fri: 9am-5pm | Sat: 10am-7pm


SculpSure FAQ

What exactly is SculpSure?

The SculpSure system provides non-invasive body contouring promoting fat removal on the abdomen and love handles. Results have shown a reduction of up to 24% of targeted fat cells via this non-surgical procedure.

Am I a candidate for SculpSure?

Even though SculpSure is non-invasive, the procedure is intended for people with select "trouble" areas that are not responsive to diet and exercise alone.

Will I need more than one treatment?

Most patients see results after receiving just one SculpSure treatment. However, others may elect to undergo additional treatments for more pronounced results. You should discuss your beauty goals with a Personique professional to determine a treatment plan before starting SculpSure.

What does treatment feel like?

While a virtually pain free experience, some patients do feel a minor tingling sensation from time to time during treatment, though none have reported this to be intolerable or unmanageable.

How soon will I see results?

Though every patient is different, many see results as early as 6 weeks after treatment. Results are typically noticed gradually as the body begins to evacuate the treated fat cells, and optimal results are reached within 12 weeks for most patients.

Are the results permanent?

Yes. The fat cells targeted during SculpSure treatment are permanently evacuated from the body and do not regenerate or return.

How long is recovery after treatment?

SculpSure recovery requires no downtime. Patients are only indisposed for the 25 minutes it takes to administer treatment, and then they may return immediately to regular activities.

Are fat loss and weight loss the same thing?

Generally, our bodies retain the same number of fat cells for all of our adult life. Which means the fat cells targeted by SculpSure treatment are permanently destroyed and will never regenerate. During weight loss, however, fat cells decrease in size but not in number. As many people have difficulty losing weight in trouble areas such as the abdomen and flanks, SculpSure is especially helpful for those who cannot get rid of fat with diet and exercise.

Can you get back to back SculpSure treatments in the same day?

Yes, you may undergo multiple SculpSure treatments in the same day, on different areas. If planning multiple treatments in the same area, 6 weeks waiting time is recommended in between treatments.