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Breast Lift

Breast Lift Surgery in Austin

As the years pass, just about every woman will begin to notice gradual changes in the size, shape and feel of her breasts. A myriad of factors, including gravity, pregnancy, breast feeding, weight gain and loss all take their toll on the breasts over time. Breasts sag, soften and flatten out. Sometimes they atrophy and shrink. Even if the volume remains the same, the firmness, elasticity and youthful position of the breasts deteriorates with the natural aging process.

If you are unhappy with the way aging has affected your breasts, Personique can help! Breast lift surgery can rejuvenate your figure with a younger looking, more uplifted breast profile. The procedure is often a life-altering experience that provides benefits far beyond more attractive, contoured breasts. Our Austin patients generally experience a newfound sense of self-confidence after breast lift surgery, making the procedure especially worthwhile.

Austin Breast Lift Surgeons

If you’ve been considering undergoing breast lift surgery in Austin, trust your results to an experienced surgeon certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. At Personique, our plastic surgeons have been performing breast lift surgery and other advanced breast enhancement procedures for decades.

Dr. Robert A. Ersek, Dr. Randy J. Buckspan and Dr. James M. Sheridan have helped countless patients regain their self-confidence and improve their look with cosmetic breast surgery. You can rest assured that the results of your procedure will look naturally beautiful.

At your initial breast lift consultation, our surgeons will take the time to get to know your personality and really understand your needs and expectations. Based on your unique goals and your individual body shape, your physician will develop a breast lift treatment plan that’s custom-tailored just for you.

Your physician will thoroughly explain how a breast lift can re-shape and transform the contour and firmness of your breasts, correcting the results of age and childbearing to give your figure a more youthful appearance. You will have the opportunity to get answers to your questions and address concerns in a friendly, low stress environment, alongside viewing plenty of breast lift before and after photos.

How is Breast Lift Surgery Performed?

The breast lift technique used varies from patient to patient based on existing breast tissue, and the amount of excess skin to be removed. During your free consultation, your surgeon will recommend the type of breast lift procedure that is ideal for helping you reach your specific goals.


Before your procedure, you will be prepped for surgery in the pre-op area. An IV will be started and you will receive intravenous sedation that will put you into a deeply relaxed state before entering the operating room. Your surgeon will come by beforehand to mark where the incisions will be with a surgical marker, creating a pre-defined roadmap for your procedure.

Once in the O.R., your anesthesiologist will administer medication through your I.V. to relax you as soon as you are lying down on the operating table. Intravenous Sedation (with local anesthesia) is often referred to as “twilight sleep”. You will be asleep during the surgery but not unconscious (as with general anesthesia). You will not feel anything or remember anything from your procedure. This type of anesthesia is completely effective at blocking pain and awareness of surgical procedures and is much safer than general anesthesia. It does not require a breathing tube and there are fewer side effects, minimizing post-op recovery as well as nausea and vomiting.

The Procedure

Your surgeon will begin by making the proper incisions along the markings created pre-operatively. The specific incision pattern used during your breast lift procedure will depend on the extent of breast ptosis and where the nipple-areola complex is positioned on the breast.

Once the incisions have been made, your surgeon will remove excess skin and tissue as necessary. The remaining fat and skin is then reworked to sculpt a more youthful breast shape in a more elevated position. The nipples and areola are typically repositioned higher on the new breast as well. During breast lift surgery, the nipples are not usually removed, but rather stay attached to the breast tissue throughout so as to preserve sensation. In some cases however, if the breasts are extremely large and pendulous, the nipple and areola may need to be removed and transplanted to a higher position for optimal results. This is referred to as a free nipple graft.

Once the surgeon has reshaped the breasts to achieve a firmer contour and “perkier” position, the incisions are then sutured closed and the remaining skin is tightened.

Breast Lift with Breast Augmentation

Many of our Austin breast lift patients opt to combine their breast lift procedure with breast augmentation to create shapelier breasts that are fuller and more youthful in appearance. Combining a breast lift with breast implants is ideal for the patient who wants to increase breast size in addition to lifting and reshaping.

Breast Lift Recovery

Breast lift recovery times vary from patient to patient depending on a number of factors, including age, general health, extent of your surgery and so on. As with the majority of surgical procedures, the initial 24 – 48 hours after surgery are typically the most challenging. After your operation, you will be sent home with an elastic surgical bra that is designed to support the breasts and minimize swelling during the healing process. You will also be given post-operative instructions with specific directions as well as prescribed pain medication to control any post-op pain you may be experiencing.

While recovery time varies for each individual, most patients are able to return to office jobs within a week of their procedure. Your physician will advise you to avoid strenuous activity such as overhead lifting for the first 4 weeks. Depending on your surgeon’s specific instructions, light exercise may be resumed in as little as 1 – 3 weeks. Your recovery time will also depend on whether or not you had breast augmentation performed in conjunction with breast lift.

Schedule a Free Breast Lift Consultation in Austin

If you’re ready to take the first step in achieving the contoured figure you desire, then contact Personique today at (512) 459-6800 to schedule your FREE breast lift consultation. At your informative consultation, you will have the opportunity to address questions and concerns, review breast lift before and after photos and receive a personalized quote for your procedure. You will also be provided plenty of educational materials along with information on breast lift financing options.

Call today, or simply click on the consultation request button at the top of this page to get started!