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Personique On the Spot11011 Domain Drive, Bldg. Z,
Suite 104B / Austin, TX 78758 Mon-Fri: 9am-5pm | Sat: 10am-7pm


Austin Breast Augmentation Surgeons

Austin Breast Augmentation Surgeons

Did you know that a breast augmentation can legally be completed by any doctor with a license to practice medicine in the United States? While you might be willing to trust any physician who wants to treat your common cold symptoms, it's important to be more discerning when selecting a surgeon for a specialized procedure like a breast augmentation in Austin.

Our surgeons at Personique are board certified, with specific training and experience in plastic surgery, including breast enhancement. They meet the following criteria that we recommend when you're searching for a male or female breast augmentation surgeon in Austin:

  • Our Austin breast augmentation surgeons are board certified - each of our plastic surgeons are accredited by the American Board of Plastic Surgery.
  • Our plastic surgeons have specialized training - our experienced physicians have specialized training in aesthetic surgical procedures.
  • Personique and Breast Enhancement Austin - our plastic surgery facilities are licensed and accredited.
  • Open and honest doctors - we believe in treating our patients with the highest level of care, and are always up front and honest in every situation.

Female Breast Augmentation Surgeons in Austin

Austin female breast augmentation surgeonEach and every one of our Austin breast augmentation surgeons are professional and take every necessary measure to offer a sense of comfort to their patients. However, we do understand that some female patients looking to undergo breast augmentation may feel more at ease dealing with a female doctor. Dr. Lauren Crawford is the most recent addition to our exemplary team of plastic surgeons, and we are proud to have her extensive experience as a female breast augmentation surgeon in Austin.

As a female patient, you may find that by dealing with Dr. Crawford, your overall experience before and after your breast augmentation procedure is benefited in the following ways:

  • Greater physical confidence - patients considering cosmetic surgery may already feel self-conscious about their bodies. Some female patients feel more comfortable being examined by a female physician.
  • Mutual understanding - female breast augmentation doctors in Austin, like Dr. Crawford have personal experience regarding issues pertaining to the female body and mind. Having this mutual understanding can help some patients get through the process with greater ease.
  • Increased comfort discussing surgical questions or concerns - it is important that female patients remain open and honest about their questions or concerns about the breast augmentation procedure at all stages of the process. Some patients may find they're comfortable more thoroughly discussing these subjects with a female plastic surgeon.

Of course, each of our doctors will only offer the utmost level of personal and professional care to every patient, but Dr. Crawford is an integral member of our team for those that find greater comfort in working with a female breast augmentation surgeon in Austin.

Choosing a Breast Enhancement Surgeon in Austin

Our board certified plastic surgery team is made up of the following doctors:

  • Dr. Robert A. Ersek
  • Dr. Randy J. Buckspan
  • Dr. James M. Sheridan
  • Dr. Lauren Crawford

At Personique, we offer a team of highly qualified, Austin plastic surgeons that operate in a warm and friendly atmosphere. To schedule a free consultation with one of our breast enhancement surgeons, call (512) 459 - 6800 or submit your information using our contact form.